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During the Recession year of 2008 I found myself laid off from four different jobs. As a Mortgage Auditor it was difficult to keep a job in that industry as the economy imploded. 

After using all of my personal savings and being out've work for more than 8 months Cookie Lane was born in the kitchen I shared with two other housemates. I baked cookies day and night in hopes of making ends meet.

Who knew my love for baking would turn into a full fledge business with a growing customer base!?

Originally, the business began as a way to supplement my income needs and quickly bloomed into a thriving business with support from other local businesses, Cookie Lane supplied cookies and treats for a small business and their clientele. During the early years of  Cookie Lane my focus was centered around providing artisan cookies to Small Businesses and Restaurants in the DFW Metroplex. However, after marriage, a baby, and  moving to Richmond Virginia in 2016 Cookie Lane was restructured  to provide cookies not just for small business and their clientele but for the every day customer as well, and making Cookie Lane a local household name. 

What sets our cookies apart is the use of fresh and locally sourced ingredients. I believe in using the best nature can provide when choosing what ingredients I will incorporate in my recipes. Which is why my cookie offerings are based on what is in season with a rotating menu as well.

As a wife and mother I find myself still baking around the clock but I wouldn't have it any other way. Cookie Lane has brought so much joy to my life and to the lives of our customers who enjoy the sweeter things life can bring.


Sweetly Yours,

Cookie Lane 




To all of our

Major Contributors 

Mr Baker
Nomad Deli
The Black Village of RVA
Dorey Park
Blk Women’s Exchange
Artisans Market
Tappahannock Main Street Market
The Diamond
Capital One Group


Cookie Lane Web Design by TaskLyte ©2021

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